Deutsche Version

The Bat! Quick Templates

1 Quick Templates for the mail client The Bat!

1.1 Boxquotes
1.2 Footnotes
1.3 Alternative Quoting I (| replaces >)
1.4 Alternative Quoting II (> in each row)
1.5 Rot13 encryption
1.6 Alternating upper and lower case
1.7 Number of days until/since the "great occasion"

Quick Templates for the mail client The Bat!

This text summarizes some of my quick templates for the mail client The Bat!. Please take into account that some quick templates could only work with specific TB! Versions. Unfortunately some quick templates do not work with TB!-Version 1.53 or earlier. Of course, you use these at your own risk.

I want to express my gratitude to Januk Aggarwal, Silviu Cojocaru and Andreas Wosgien for their contributions of great ideas improving the templates and thanks to Matthias Appel who showed me recursive quick templates in the first place.

If you have comments, notes, additions or suggestions for improvement etc., please send a mail to Carsten Thönges.


1.1 Boxquotes

These quick templates enable you to insert boxquotes like this

,----- [ RFC 2822 ]
| [...]
| Messages are divided into lines of characters. A line is a series of
| characters that is delimited with the two characters carriage-return
| and line-feed; that is, the carriage return (CR) character (ASCII
| value 13) followed immediately by the line feed (LF) character (ASCII
| value 10). (The carriage-return/line-feed pair is usually written in
| this document as "CRLF".)
| [...]

effortlessly into the TB! editor.

bq Copy thext onto the clipboard and execute the quick template bq in the editor (bq Ctrl+Space). The contents of the clipboard will be inserted as boxqoute.
bqf Executing the quick template bqf in the editor will insert the the file currently in the clipboard as boxquote.

You can assign keyboard shortcuts to these quick templates directly in The Bat!

Required quick templates:
bq boxquote from clipboard
bqf boxquote from file
bq2 (required by bq and bqf)
requires The Bat! version 1.60 or later


1.2 Footnotes

These quick templates enable you to generate footnotes in the TB! editor. Thereby footnotes will be inserted above the "cut mark" or "signature delimiter" - if existant - and will automatically number in consecutive order. If the quick template does not find a signature delimiter, the footnotes will be inserted below the text.

,----- [ before ]
| This text (FN:first footnote#) displays the
| application (FN:second footnote#) of footnotes (FN:third footnote#)
| using quick templates (FN:fourth footnote#).
| --
| Cheers, Carsten


,----- [ afterwards (the paragraph has been formatted with Alt+L) ]
| This text[1] displays the application[2] of footnotes[3]
| using quick templates [4].
| [1] first footnote
| [2] second footnote
| [3] third footnote
| [4] fourth footnote
| --
| Cheers, Carsten

While creating a mail using the quick template afn (afn Ctrl + Space) you can quickly insert a "FN:#" and put in the footnote text.

After completion of the mail, the entire text must be copied onto the clipboard and then the quick template fn must be executed

The fastest way to accomplish this is: Ctrl+A Ctrl+X fn Ctrl+Space. You can also assign keyboard shortcuts to these quick templates directly in The Bat!

The now partially staggered paragraphs should be now formatted with ALT+L.

Required quick templates:
fn Generating footnotes
afn quick insertion of footnote tags
fn2 (required by fn)
requires The Bat! version 1.60 or later


1.3 Alternative Quoting I (| replaces >)

In a reply template %QUOTES is simply replaced by %QUINCLUDE="nq". The original text of the mail will be quoted with | before each line. Quotestyles are ignored.

Something like this:

* Hans M. writes:

| Is it possible to use another quoting prefix than ">"?
| A "|" for example?

Yes, of course.

You can use any other symbol (character) as a quote symbol. For that purpose the nq2 quick template must be adjusted accordingly (replace the "|"s).


Insert %QINCLUDE="nq" instead of %QUOTES into the reply template.

Required quick templates:
nq Alternative quoting
nq2 (required by nq)
requires The Bat! version 1.60 or later


1.4 Alternative Quoting II (> in each row)

In a reply template %QUOTES is simply replaced by %QUINCLUDE="qoute bl". Blank lines will also be preceded by > Quotestyles are taken into account!

Something like this:

* Hans M. writes:

> Isn't it possible within The Bat! to quote every line of an
> original mail, even blank lines?
> Can it be done somehow?

Yes, of course.

Insert %QINCLUDE="quote_bl" instead of %QUOTES into the reply template.

Required quick templates:
quote_bl Alternative quoting
quote2 (required by quote_bl)
requires The Bat! version 1.60 or later


1.5 Rot13 encryption

This quicktemplate is suited for Rot13-encoding of text in the TB!-Editior. Thereby the contents of the clipboard will be encoded Rot13 and inserted into the mailtext.


Copy any (short!) text into the clipboard and execute quick template r13 (r13 Ctrl+Space).

Required quick templates:
r13 Rot13 encryption
r13_r (required by r13)
requires The Bat! version 1.60 or later


1.6 Alternating upper and lower case

A rather useless quick template, which will only come to operation when replying to creators of mails with continuous use of lower case justifying this by their individuality ,-)

,----- [ vorher ]
| please do also respect my individual way of creating
| mails...


,----- [ nachher ]
| pLeAsE Do aLsO ReSpEcT My iNdIvIdUaL WaY Of cReAtInG
| mAiLs...

Copy any (short!) text into the clipboard and execute quick template mix (mix Ctrl+Space).

Required quick templates:
mix alternate upper and lower case
mix_r (required by mix)
requires The Bat! version 1.60 or later


1.7 Number of days until / since the "great occasion"

These quick templates make it possible to indicate a kind of daily countdown - i.e. the difference of days until or since a certain date in ones own mails.

For example you want to count the number of days until the world championship, Christmas, birthday etc in ones one signature?

| [...]
| --
| Best regards, Carsten Thönges
| Only 256 days until christmas.


| [...]
| Our Baby $NAME_OF_CHILD is already 124 days old.

The quick template datediff is the start for calculation of dates. It is recommended to create a quick template for each occasion with the following structure:

,----- [ days_xmas ]
| %Comment="20021224"%-
| Only %Qinclude="datediff" days until christmas.

It is important to pass on the target date in the first line to %Comment. The date must be exactly in the following format: YYYYMMDD (4-digit year, 2-digit month, 2-digit day, if necessary with leading zeros). Date can be both in the future and the past.

The main template finally contains:

| --
| Best regards, Carsten Thönges
| %QInclude="days_xmas"
Required quick templates:
datediff Calculation of date differences
datediff_r (required by datediff)
datediff_addmonth (required by datediff)
datediff_days (required by datediff)
days_xmas Example: number of days until christmas 2002
requires The Bat! version 1.60 or later


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Last modified: Sun Sep 1 22:16:47 CEST 2002 by Carsten Thönges